Go Ahead, Use Another Executive Order #tcot

After the recent SCOTUS decisions, the IRS and everything else, is Obama <em>really</em> stupid enough to grant amnesty by fiat?

Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration | TheHill.

One of the first signs that someone is bluffing is when they lead off saying they’re not bluffing.   If he did this the one thing that can be count on is losing what little Republican support he has on this and enough Dems bailing to undo whatever he declares.  This could also be the tipping point to impeachment; especially if it was before the midterms.

So, Mr. Obama.  Go ahead.  Make my day.

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Jay Sekulow on the Lost IRS Emails #tcot

Jay’s commentary on the lost IRS emails.

‘Lost’ IRS emails: Get real, Team Obama, we’re not that gullible | Fox News.

That they would come out with such an obvious lie is jaw-dropping.  That the Republicans would actually accept it beyond belief.  The only message anyone swallowing this tripe gives is that they want to believe it.

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Hilary begins distancing herself from Obama #tcot

In her Fox interview she is beginning to do the obvious:

Clinton claims she had doubts about video explanation after Benghazi strike | Fox News.

There have been a lot of pundits wondering if/when she would turn on Obama.  For me it’s always been when and never if.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see where he was going to lead the country.   Continue reading

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IRS Has ‘Lost’ Two Years of Lois Lerner’s Emails #tcot

Convenient: IRS Has ‘Lost’ Two Years of Lois Lerner’s Emails – Katie Pavlich.

Ok, this is a load of BS.  You would expect us to believe that their IT department doesn’t have archives?  These emails are considered legal documents, so they are required to archive them.

And fine.  Even if IRS lost them, what about the recipients?  It is not a big deal to subpoena them from the different offices.  Hey… if nobody else has them, they should check with the NSA.

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Iraq – Don’t Blame Only the President #tcot

Right.  No first of all, the administration response to the mess caused by Obama in Iraq is pathetic.  Kerry’s “come together” call is right up there with Rodney King’s “Can’t we all just get along.”

Kerry calls for Iraqis to ‘come together,’ as militants seize more territory | Fox News.

However, you can also put part of this train-wreck squarely at the feet of Congress, as well. Continue reading

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A Wake-Up Call for the GOP Establishment #tcot

Honestly?  I don’t know if Brat will be able to win this.  It does take a lot to beat a majority incumbent.  But the following story should be a serious wake-up call for the Republican establishment and leadership.

Eric Cantor’s Unusually Expensive, Surprisingly Negative Primary Campaign – NationalJournal.com.

Fitzpatrick makes a critical mistake in his article, though.  He blames Cantor’s problems just on immigration and that is dead wrong.   Analysis after the jump

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#tcot CBO Quietly Drops Forecast That Obamacare Will Cut the Deficit – Yahoo Finance

CBO Quietly Drops Forecast That Obamacare Will Cut the Deficit – Yahoo Finance.

People, I’ve been saying for a very long time this has nothing to do with cutting medical costs.  This has been true whether it’s individual, corporate or government.

I’ve been in the health care filed for 30 years.  I was there when DRG’s went into play and watched costs shoot up.  I was there when they tried to bring on Hillarycare and not only watched costs jump but research disappear.

In fact driving up costs and limiting access are the two things that I’ve been saying would happen and I’ve been saying that since Hillarycare in 1994.

This is – and always has been – about control.  Control of peoples lives.  Control of the economy.  Control of the states.  Has anyone even noticed that Obama put his new EPA regulations in the context of a healthcare issue?  There isn’t much that can’t be twisted into a context that would involve healthcare if one is determined.  Environment, economy, gun rights, free speech… they can all be pulled under that umbrella by either couching them in terms of risk to health or mental health concerns.

Obama’s Affordable Care Act is the first step in ending liberty in this country.

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NRO: Why Team Obama Was Blindsided by the Bergdahl Backlash


Ralph Peters says it all here in this National Review op-ed.  If you really want to understand the degree of shame this Taliban Leaders for Deserter exchange is for this country and its soldiers, read this.

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GOP establishment wonders: Is it time to abandon Thad Cochran? « Hot Air

GOP establishment wonders: Is it time to abandon Thad Cochran? « Hot Air.

No, actually what the GOP Establishment needs to do is abandon their commitment to Progressivism.  Right now the main difference between Obama and the GOP establishment is in the means rather than the outcome.

While Obama takes a revolutionary approach to the Progressive agenda, the GOP Establishment takes an evolutionary approach.  Or more accurately, incrementalism.

This is a fight that both the GOP and Obama are going to lose in the long run.  It’s a matter of how ugly they will insist on it getting.  The core American culture is simply too deeply ingrained in the population.  As people see firsthand what Progressive really means, they are abandoning it.

Will the GOP really push the country into the same train-wreck that is covering Europe?  Or will the wake up and be the party of Liberty and resurgence?

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A bit about the Conservative Lefty…

I’ve already made a few posts, but honestly, those were more just getting the site up and running in all its happy permutations.

It may not be a bad idea if I didn’t take a moment to actually introduce myself.

The most obvious question is how does being a Lefty and being a Conservative go together? Most people put them on opposite sides of just about every issue.

Easy. I’m left handed.

Just for your sake, be assured I will try to minimize the use of bad, left handed puns. In fact, I’ll make a conscious effort to limit them to cases where they will be the most painful. Think of it as a left-handed compliment.

A bit more about me… Continue reading

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