Here’s One Poll The Press Doesn’t Want You To See | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD

The short of this is that Obama’s approval over the span of his tenure has less approval than Richard Nixon.  On the plus side, he was more popular than either Ford or Carter.  Welcome to your legacy.

As President Obama left the White House, the mainstream press was falling over itself proclaiming how popular he was.”Obama leaving office on a very high note,” was a typical headline.

Source: Here’s One Poll The Press Doesn’t Want You To See | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD

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Arcan Cetin Voted Illegally: Other Non-Citizens Do Too | National Review

Arcan Cetin might be the tip of the iceberg: There’s an active effort to hide the significant voting activity of non-citizens in swing states.

Source: Arcan Cetin Voted Illegally: Other Non-Citizens Do Too | National Review

Trump’s claims are not being made in a vacuum.  John Fund wrote on this last year.  It’s been a twenty year adage of mine that for a Republican to win a national level office, he has to win the vote outside the margin of error.  I do think it might have been better for Trump to refer to the votes being illegal, not just illegals voting.  No matter; most reasonable people know what he means.

What’s funny, though, is while the entire mainstream media is focusing on Trump’s side comments, they are largely ignoring the breakneck pace as which he is implementing his campaign agenda.  I’d much rather have all this vitriol aimed in a direction that further discredits the media rather than a direction that could hinder Trump.

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Trump and the PWNing of the Press

Frankly, one of the most amusing parts of the Trump presidency at this point is watching him completely PWN the mainstream media.  With 140 characters or a tiny ad lib in a speech he has complete control of “the story.”  Critics of his approach may make accusations of a lack of discipline or hot temper.  That may or may not be true, but regardless that it is also much, much more.

People – by which I mean the Press – seem to forget that Donald Trump is not a politician.  He is not going to act like a politician.  They are not considering what he is.  He is a high profile developer who has spent decades having his projects and personal life under media knives scrutiny.  He is owner of Miss USA and all the media scrutiny that has gotten.  Most important, he is the man that helped define the genre of reality TV.

In short, Donald Trump is a media mastermind. Continue reading

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Advice for Democrats; Invoking JFK

I’ve been seeing the stories about the soul searching of Democrats.  This is expected considering the current state of the Party.  Actually, the Democratic leadership, not the rank and file Democrats.   I’ve seen there is a huge difference between the two.  So I’m going to do something I haven’t in a long time and give some advice for their success.

This is spurred by a comment I saw elsewhere by someone who referred to himself as a JFK Democrat.  He was writing specifically toward the comments about party leadership (Steyer, in this case) wanting too change their messaging.  This commenter refers to how Kennedy’s message resonated and how to get back to that.

He’s actually on the right track. But one has to remember that JFK was a Liberal, not a Progressive and certainly not a Socialist.  Anyone remember missles in Cuba?

The problem I see is that Steyer is talking about changing the wrapper and not the content. It’s the content that is being rejected and it’s his arrogance to assume otherwise. When you strip away all the hype, there is a lot of similarity in the end point of Kennedy, Reagan, and Trump’s direction. There are VAST differences in how to get to the goal, however.  At one time in America that is what was called the Great Debate. 

The Progressives running the Democratic Party no longer seem to share that common goal of American excellence and individual success. Instead, the society takes the preeminent position. Yet, paradoxically, they foster division that undermine both the society they serve and the individual excellence that both Liberals and Conservatives treasure.

Whether it’s asking “Not what your country can do for you,” or creating that “Shining city on a hill,” or remembering that “We all bleed the same red blood,” If Democrats want to have any success over the next several generations, they have to return to the content and goals of JFK; not simply wrap themselves in his cloak.   

I’ve got a lot of friends who are Democrats.  Many others who profess to be “liberals.”  Most are – in the modern sense – as “conservative” as I.  Hopefully, they will be able to use this as their opportunity to take back their Party.  America needs to be able to return to the unique and noble work of that Great Debate.

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Daily Presidential Tracking Poll – Rasmussen Reports™

Wait a minute?!?  What happened to CNN’s claim that only 37% approve of Trump?

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 56% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President-elect Trump’s job performance. Forty-four percent (44%) disapprove.

Source: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll – Rasmussen Reports™



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Trump fear and loathing in Davos

The ‘globalists’ gathered in the Swiss Alps don’t know whether to cry, panic or laugh about the incoming American president.

Source: Trump fear and loathing in Davos

An interesting article that reflects the misunderstanding of Trumps election by not only Europe, but many Progressives here in the U.S.

To answer the question of how seriously to take Trump, I can offer the following advice, though you may not want to hear this. You may not need to take his literal words seriously, but you are making a fatal error if you do not take his message seriously.

Regarding that message, there is also something important for our friends in Europe to understand. Our representative system is rather unique. It is designed to reflect both the will of 50 (still) largely sovereign States plus the will of several hundred million sovereign individuals. Regardless what the American press might tell you, Trump’s positions may or may not represent the popular will of the masses, but those positions most certainly represent the will of the Republic.

The difference may be subtle, but it is incredibly important.

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Sanctuary Cities: Holding Citizens as Human Shields

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAApparently, these Democrat mayors do not think the law matters.  According to this Fox News Story on sanctuary cities, they are daring Trump to cut funding if they refuse to follow the law.

My first question is whether the citizens here understand that they are being used as human shields by their own elected leaders.  Rahm Emmanuel is giving you the choice of being screwed by job taking, crime, and violence from illegal aliens or by losing federal tax dollars.  You guys are the ones that are hurt the most by illegal immigrants.  You are being used!  People like him do not care about the citizens they are elected to serve.  They care about their own power.

My second question is do these mayors not realize that Trump does not understand the, “You can’t do that,” argument.  This does not violate the Constitution.  It enforces the law, which is the Executive’s primary job.  It reflects a key part of the platform that got Trump elected.  If he takes this path, only an act of Congress can stop him and I’d be surprised if that would even be able to get out of committee.

If you’re trying to call Trump’s bluff, I don’t think he’s bluffing and he has the bulk of America behind him on it to give Congress some spine.

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UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

Agenda 2030, touted as a solution to everything from poverty to global warming, is really a plan to empower a global governing body. By Alex Newman

Source: UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

This is one of those few stories that I beg and plead for you to read.

I’ve been following Agenda 21 since the late 90’s. The only good thing about Agenda 2030 is that it spells out the intents of its “parent” in a much clearer and open way. If anyone tries to say you’re reading too much into Agenda 21, point them to the 2030 document.

It is why I make such an effort to distinguish between a Liberal and a Progressive, in the American sense of the words.

The short of it is that individual liberty completely vanishes under the name of what is “good” for society. Look at the people cheering it – the world’s most vicious tyrants and dictators – and that should be obvious.

For now, America stands alone against this. The picture painted here – even more than SCOTUS justices – is really what is at stake in the coming presidential election.

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Make November 9 Count!

Jefferson on gunsYes, I know.  The election is on the 8th.  However, I’ve had an idea for the 9th that I think would be an useful lesson regardless of who wins.  Let’s make November 9, 2016


day.  And while you’re at it, it would be a good time to join or renew your membership with the #NRA.  It would be great if we could make this a movement.  Spread the hashtag.  And follow through with your wallet.  While you can.

I really can’t think of a better way to send the American People’s sentiments to an uncaring Washington DC.  If you don’t own one yet (like me), this would be the day to correct that.  If you already have one or more, why pass on the chance to add to your collection.  Maybe a different caliber.  Or better yet, get one for a family member or friend and teach them to shoot it.

Not only will you be supporting our Constitution, you will drive #MDA, #MAIG, and their kind nutes.

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Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies | Project Veritas Action

Sourpicture031-e1415906197153-273x300ce: Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies | Project Veritas Action

Yet we are going to be told we are just imagining it.  The problem is that the press simply will not cover the stories even when the guilty explicitly admit it.

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