Massachusetts Congressional delegation, 19 mayors support AG Maura Healey’s assault weapons ban directive


Source: Massachusetts Congressional delegation, 19 mayors support AG Maura Healey’s assault weapons ban directive |

In a way, I’m glad to see this because we finally know what is meant by “common sense reforms.”

It means to re-interpret 20 year old laws to ban all semi-automatic firearms.  All 3 common semi-auto operating systems – gas impingement, rotating bolt, and even blowback – are used in some form of the banned weapons.  That means even the lowly Ruger 10/22 rifle, the rifle used by Boy Scouts throughout America in camp, is banned.

It means criminalizing all owners of semi-automatic rifles, with only the promise not to prosecute you.  This promise being given by the same person who made the arbitrary redefinition.  Should we trust her the same way Californians were supposed to trust their politicians where standard capacity magazines are concerned?

It also means that phrases like “we don’t want to ban guns” or “we respect the 2nd Amendment” are flat-out lies.

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Is It Over for the Republic?

I keep seeing articles and commentary on how we are finished as a Republic.  The most recent is this article by Paul Bremmer discussing Danial Horrowitz’s latest book.

Bremmer/Horrowitz is right where Article III is concerned, though I’m admittedly biased in that I’ve been saying this for years. Actually, all that really needs done is require strict scrutiny on the Bill of Rights cases and restriction of the 14 Amendment to its intended scope. Unfortunately, there is a much more fundamental problem Continue reading

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NYT Admits and Defends Its Bias

FCC Cites Soros-Funded Group 46 TIMES In New Regs | The Daily CallerFor those of you who stick their fingers and hum real loud when Trump supporters complain about bias in the mainstream media, the New York Times spends a very long editorial defending their bias:

Balance, Fairness and a Proudly Provocative Presidential Candidate – The New York Times

The biggest problem of their defense – that Trump is so dangerous that they have to protect the American people from him – is really the most open example of media hubris I’ve ever seen.

It is not the job of the media to protect us from anyone, where our elections are concerned.  Mr. Editor, you have no right to decide that Trump is dangerous for the rest of us.  You’re free to decide that for yourself and I will defend that, but when you presume to decide that for me, then you become my enemy.

It is the role of the American People to decide if Trump is or is not dangerous; if he is the appropriate choice for President.  You are free to make your case in your editorials – and I encourage you to do so.  However, your reporting had better be objective and equal.  Anything less is an insult to the America and you are no longer worthy of our respect.

When you wonder why the printed press is dying, perhaps you should look in a mirror.

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Whoops: Clinton Just Promised to Raise Taxes on Middle Class – Leah Barkoukis

Crowd cheers.

Source: Whoops: Clinton Just Promised to Raise Taxes on Middle Class – Leah Barkoukis

Well, now.  I wonder when the mainstream press is going to report this?  We’ve seen plenty of evidence in how they report such misspeaks from Trump over the last couple weeks.

Do me a favor, if you care at all about honesty, repost, share, retweet, whatever, this article.  Make sure the story gets out.  Call it in to your local radio hosts.  Mail it to your local news.  Saturate.

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The Importance of Two Words

Cruz 2016What is the difference between a historic speech and an infamous speech?

Two words, it seems.

“Vote your conscience.”
“Vote Donald Trump.”

Two words. Continue reading

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DC Will Fine You For ‘Wrong’ Transgender Pronouns | The Daily Caller

Political Correctness3Employers and employees in Washington D.C. are legally prohibited from referring to a transgender employee or coworker by the “wrong” pronouns or asking “personal questions” about their gender identity, according to the city’s Office of Human Rights (OHR).

Source: DC Will Fine You For ‘Wrong’ Transgender Pronouns | The Daily Caller

If people of conscience submit to this, then we have already lost. The whole purpose of “regulations” such as this is to force people to knowingly submit to obvious lies.  Once you’ve made that compromise, then you have truly submitted to evil.

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Fox targeted by FEC Dems in first-ever vote to punish debate sponsorship | Washington Examiner

Finally making good on long-harbored anger at conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission voted in secret to punish Fox News’ sponsorship of a Republican presidential debate, using an obscure law to charge the network with helping those on stage.  It is the first time in history that members of the FEC voted to punish a media outlet’s debate sponsorship.

Source: Fox targeted by FEC Dems in first-ever vote to punish debate sponsorship | Washington Examiner

If you had any doubts that Democrats wanted to end more than just the 2nd Amendment, here is a clear assault on the 1st Amendment as well.  And just think, we’ve let them implement similar rules on the internet through “net neutrality.”  If you thought that was just about not allowing providers to throttle your Netflix channel, you’re badly mistaken.

I’m trying to see any way out that doesn’t end in bloodshed, but I’m not having much luck.

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Federica Mogherini – EU defence force would act where NATO cannot to protect Europe | World | News | Daily Express

THE European Union cannot rely on NATO to protect its member states from external threats and must develop a policy of collective defence that allows it to “act autonomously if and when necessary”.

Source: Federica Mogherini – EU defence force would act where NATO cannot to protect Europe | World | News | Daily Express

I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a huge push for an EU army.  The translation of this article into reality-speak is, “We need to change the rules fast before anybody else leaves and we need a military to enforce it.”

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Dem Party Platform Calls For Prosecuting Global Warming Skeptics Via @dailycaller

‘We’re committed to the values of inclusion’

Source: Dem Party Platform Calls For Prosecuting Global Warming Skeptics Via @dailycaller

This is one of the scariest stories I’ve seen in a year full of terrifying moves by the Democrat party.  Especially when there is growing evidence to have doubts.

If you’re losing or lost faith in our government, I don’t blame you.

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Quick Thoughts on Economics

Pepperoni-pizza-3A recent article by Thomas Sowell, Socialism for the Uninformed got me thinking…

A kid in college wants pepperoni pizza for dinner. That pizza has a certain value for those that make it. The value of a pepperoni pizza hasn’t changed – at least not in the 33 years I’ve been in the workforce. The number of dollars I have to spend to get that pizza may have changed, but the worth of that pepperoni goodness has not. The same is true for that grocery bagger in the market down the road. Regardless the dollars he is paid, the value of his work has not – assuming, of course, it is the same work. Now, I’m keeping this simple for the example and not taking into account things like government regulations, etc. that unnaturally increase the value of the good.

Increasing the minimum wage does not change the value of the product or the labor. In the course of time the imbalance caused by increasing minimum wages will level out – whether by labor changes or price (i.e. number of dollar) changes or both. However the intrinsic value of the labor or the product remain in balance. Eventually, the kid in college will still have to work the same hours at Kroger to have that pizza for dinner. In the meantime the only people actually harmed are the poor and the middle class. Prices go up, the job market suffers and artificial ceilings on advancement are imposed until equilibrium has been restored.

Yes, there are other factors that affect the value of goods. Some are tangible, such as availability of resources. Some are not, such as perceived value by either the seller or buyer. The fundamental concept, though, is solid.

The most disgusting aspect of this is that after a few years of pain and equilibrium is restored, the same politicians will be able to trot out the same arguments and repeat the cycle. Since this targets entry level jobs, there’s always new people to fall for the lie. Most older people who have moved on also have jobs that have greater inherent worth than minimum wage, so there is a bias to their perception that makes them easier to fool.

These are essential truths of a free society. I have yet to see a counter proposal the extends beyond, “But that’s not fair.” I’m sorry to disagree, but it is intrinsically fair. Socialism is never about fairness. It is about control.

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