2016 election: Bob Dole endorses Jeb Bush – POLITICO

“I will do all I can to be helpful to Jeb’s campaign,” Dole promised.

Source: 2016 election: Bob Dole endorses Jeb Bush – POLITICO

Well now.  If a campaign could reach any greater depth of desperation, I really do not know what it could be.  Every other campaign – except perhaps Kasich – would be paying Dole to keep his mouth shut.

Does the Party leadership still think they can force a Bush candidacy upon us?  Are they in denial?  Perhaps they are that afraid of Donald Trump.  If it’s this latter, the one thing you can be sure of is Trump will not get out until after Bush is gone.  It is reaching an embarrassing state.

The sooner that the leadership understands that the Party will not accept another Diet Dem candidate, the better they have any chance of keeping their jobs.

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Progressives and Racism – A Minority’s View

DSCF0017To give a “minority” – i.e. hispanic American – opinion on this, most racism I’ve encounter tends to be (very) isolated individuals.

The only real institutional racism I’ve encounter in the past several decades has been from Progressives.  The idea that I need their help is profoundly insulting. Continue reading

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Don’t Take Your Guns to Town, Paul

The honor of it all aside, Rep. Paul Ryan would do well to decline the speakership of the House. For it is a poisoned chalice that is being offered to him.

Source: Don’t Take Your Guns to Town, Paul

Party leadership has nobody to blame but themselves. As far back as 2010, there were people warning that if the Republican establishment ignores the voters who lend them their power those voters are going to decide their own party is the first threat to the nation, even over Obama. In 2012, conservatives – characterized by establishment as TEA party fringes – were marginalized with the result of a second Obama term. In 2014, after severely spanking the “leadership” in the primaries, Republicans were still given historic wins. Yet, within 2 weeks, there was open betrayal by the party establishment. Now, just a few months ago the establishment candidate makes it known that they don’t need the party base.

Yes, Pat is right. There is a rebellion. However, it is not a rebellion of conservatives, it is a rebellion of the party establishment against the plain will of the party. There really are only two possible outcomes. Either the establishment surrenders or the establishment is destroyed. After 5 years of lies, there is nothing left in the “trust bucket” to craft a compromise.

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Chaos: House Republicans in Complete Disarray, No Easy Fix in Sight – Guy Benson

picture031-e1415906197153-273x300Source: Chaos: House Republicans in Complete Disarray, No Easy Fix in Sight – Guy Benson

Guy makes critical errors in your baseline assumption and that leads his analysis astray.

1. I sense a presumption that a government that isn’t doing something is failing.  That may be true of many governments, but you are forgetting that the American federal government is designed to make it difficult to get anything done.  Federal action is supposed to require strong to overwhelming consensus of the general population and the individual States.  Most declared conservatives, and I believe a growing number of others, consider that most successful government the one that doesn’t accomplish much.

2. More important, he is assuming that the hindrance is a “faction.”  That is a dangerous error to make.  If it were merely a faction, I think it would have already been dealt with internally.  A few things to consider.

  • It has collected far more than 2 scalps.  Cantor and others fell back in the 2014 primaries.
  • Many of those who were re-elected did so after facing legitimate challenge within the party.
  • Approval within the party is at an all-time low.
  • The presidential primary field.  It speaks for itself.

This isn’t a faction.  It’s a movement.  It’s grass roots.  It’s wide spread.  It’s growing.  It has reached critical mass.  It began in 2010.  It gave the establishment a chance in 2012.  It gave it another chance in 2014.  It was betrayed subtly in the former and openly in the latter.  Now there is a price to be payed as those who made the betrayals are reminded of what the “Party” actually is.  You are seeing the effect now in the House because the short election cycle allows the constituents to actively exercise power over the Representatives.  We’ve always had the power actually, we just have been to busy to use it.  Until now.

It is exactly the same “phenomenon” that is happening in the presidential primary.  While it hasn’t happened yet, expect to see the same thing in the Senate.  It won’t be a visible do the the (again) design of the Senate to make it more ponderous, but it’s there.

What all this means is that you’re not seeing a “faction.”  You’re seeing a government ruling against the will of the people and the checks built into the system kicking into play.

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TTAG – Grassroots Gun Rights’ Biggest Fear: Bloomberg

TTAG logoThe Truth About Guns – one of the top firearms websites on the planet recently posted this article regarding the fight to keep American gun rights:

Grassroots Gun Rights’ Biggest Fear: Bloomberg.

In this article they talk about the national and media fight over gun control.  While you cannot ignore the national front, that is not where the real battle is being fought. The Anti-2A people have learned that they cannot win in that arena and have largely conceded it except for the chest beating to fuel their real front and to drain our resources. The real battle is being fought in 2 areas. Continue reading

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Sen. Tim Kaine is a liar – Jeff Knox, WND

Jeff-Knox_avatarSpeaking to a group of dozens of supporters of Mike Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety last week, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., said:“The voice against background records checks isn’t the voice really that’s just about background records checks. I mean, it is largely fueled by gun manufacturers and funded by gun manufacturers who basically have one […]

Source: Jeff Knox: Sen. Tim Kaine is a liar – WND

Jeff has a fantastic article this week.  He gets to the heart of what Bloomberg & Co. real objectives are.  Based on the empirical evidence of what these groups are doing, I believe Jeff is right.  Please, give his article a read!

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FCC Commissioner: Free Content Might Violate ‘Conduct Standard’ | PJ Media

FCC Cites Soros-Funded Group 46 TIMES In New Regs | The Daily CallerInternet rules a solution that won’t work for ‘a problem that doesn’t exist.’

Source: FCC Commissioner: Free Content Might Violate ‘Conduct Standard’ | PJ Media

Welcome to the FCC regulated internet.  Where free bandwidth is unfair.  Go figure.

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Anatomy of a Failed Liberal State – Stephen Moore

TheIllinoisTurnaroundLogoWhen I grew up in the north suburbs of Chicago in the 1960s and ’70s, Illinois was still a financial and industrial powerhouse.

Source: Anatomy of a Failed Liberal State – Stephen Moore

I guess I’ll have to be the one that says what others are afraid to say.
If you were a public sector employee, expect to see pennies on the dollar of your pension. If you are a public sector employee, expect to see your benefits crumble.
It sucks. I know too many who really worked their butts off as hard as anyone who are going to get hosed when this happens. They have been betrayed by Union establishment and Chicago and Springfield politicians. If you are in Southern Illinois, take what happened to Granite City Steel pensions and benefits as an example. You NEED to start planning now.

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Overpaid teachers tuning out illiterate students – Michael Massie

Political Correctness3The end of summer is upon us and with same comes the Erebusic Satanic ritual notably called return to public school. Public schools since the early 1970s have served to prepare public-school teachers for comfortable retirements and prepare the students relegated to them for lowered […]

Source: Overpaid teachers tuning out illiterate students

One of the things about which I’ve been warning people is that Progressives are playing a long game.  If we want to truly win, we need to take the war to the education system.  Anything less and we are simply kicking the can down the road.  Remember that a poorly educated population that cannot think for itself is much easier to control.

It is also the reason I warn that it is not simply enough to get a school to back down when they go overboard in their Progressive insanity.  There has to be real consequences that deliver a message of wrongdoing.  When it’s left at “Oops, our bad,” then the Progressive has still won.  They have put the message they wanted in the mind of the student without any real opposition.

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Fox News: Kentucky clerk still won’t issue same-sex marriage licenses

Kim-Davis-x400_0This is going to be important to watch – Kentucky clerk still won’t issue same-sex marriage licenses – Fox News.

There is a lot of controversy over the how in the Supreme Court decision.  Couple this with the fact that while the court may have power to render a decision, they lack power to enforce.  It’s even possible, considering the demographic, that the Sheriff refuses to enforce a court order for her arrest.  He would have that authority if he felt the order unconstitutional.

If she is arrested, she’s still entitled to trial, nor will that remove her from office.  That will still require impeachment.  Getting a believable jury conviction is going to be a longshot at best.  Push it and it starts a domino effect that will end up in a Constitutional crisis forcing Congress to restrict the judiciary.  The gay community does not win there.  They’ve created their own lose-lose.  She can’t be allowed to get away with this, and if she’s won’t leave on her own, they have no choice but to take her down.  Yet if they push, the house of cards will collapse with ramifications that will go far beyond just the gay movement.

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