Walmart and guns; Not a big deal

Walmart_exteriorFor some bizarre reason, this story has crept to national news:

Walmart to stop selling semi-automatic weapons

This isn’t a news story.  Nor is Walmart abandoning the AR platform.  It’s not the first time that I’ve seen Walmart not carrying any ARs except that one ridiculously overprice Colt that nobody will buy.  They are following the market as they always do.  Walmart has long bargained hard with suppliers and have no compunction to dropping even a national name product if they don’t get the price they want.  Remember the strong-arming of Coke some years ago?

A more detailed description was given by a Walmart manager over at The Truth About Guns.

Basically, Walmart overstocked at too high a price.  They’re stuck with inventory that is in the way of what is actually selling.  You can bet ARs will be back when Walmart sees a profit in them.  Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re back for the Christmas shopping season.

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