To give a “minority” – i.e. hispanic American – opinion on this, most racism I’ve encounter tends to be (very) isolated individuals.
The only real institutional racism I’ve encounter in the past several decades has been from Progressives. The idea that I need their help is profoundly insulting. Without bragging, I’m among of the best in the world at what I do. I’ve changed how medicine is practiced. More than once. I can point to the defibrillators hanging on walls in public places, drugs given to family members and even myself, the heart monitoring equipment used to diagnose patients (including my mother-in-law over the last 2 months) and say that I have changed the world.
Conservative philosophy is what pushed me and enabled me to do those things. It’s my responsibility to make a difference in the world. It’s not the government’s responsibility to make a difference for me. Governments’ task it to keep evil at bay in the least intrusive manner possible so that I may have the liberty to secure my own success.
In contrast, all I’ve experienced from Progressive government has been roadblocks. They take my work and give it to people who do not deserve it, to the point where it becomes difficult for me to care for my own family. They try to silence my voice and opinions because they choose to be offended by them. The put obstacles in my path and my family’s path because we choose to pursue excellence and that is not fair to those that lack the ability, the passion or both. And then they have the sick self-righteousness to say that I need their help because my grandfather came here from Mexico a hundred years ago? Is it any wonder that I despise Progressivism and those committed to its philosophy as vile and disgusting propagators of evil?
And don’t give me that crap about people who didn’t have the advantages I had. A father who failed 1st grade because his English was too poor? Parents who both dropped out of high school? A father who spent his life driving a backhoe for Granite City Steel? Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks in a cracker box in Granite City?
Ok. Perhaps I did have some advantages. I had both parents, including a loving father that taught me how to be a man. I grew up in a church that taught me the love of God. I learned that life isn’t necessarily fair and to succeed anyway. I learned honor, duty, love, compassion and, at need, righteous anger. I don’t feel guilty about those advantages. I’m proud of them.
Well guess what? Government cannot replace or provide those things. It’s not something you can get from a handout. All that Progressivism has done is to tear apart the society and institutions that make those things possible. You have made the world a worse place and left a mess for my son and heirs. For that I hold you personally responsible. You are my enemy. You have chosen the terms of the conflict; submission without surrender or compromise. Political deals about how fast we descend into your hell is not compromise.
I will do everything in my power to utterly destroy you – and your worldview – politically and philosophically. I will use the the rights protected by the First Amendment to the best of my skill to defeat you. If needed, I will back that up with the Second Amendment. Be warned. I do not stand alone. I am an American. There are 100’s of millions that stand with me. More are waking up to the danger you represent every day. If this make you feel afraid or threatened, you have good reason. We are not backing down any more. You will not use my race or my faith or my success or guilt to silence me or hinder me any longer.
We are coming for you and we will win.